All-Inclusive IT Services

Your IT Department for a Low Fixed Monthly Cost

Time To Love Your I.T. Experience

Businesses here in Southern California rely on us to help them navigate this complicated world of IT. Our Active IT Process helps companies leverage technology to grow with efficiency and ease.

With everything you need to worry about with running a business, Computers and Technology should not be one of them.

Avoid costly downtime.

Achieve 99.9% up-time and rely on same-day emergency resolution with Caltech Solutions managing and monitoring your network health 24/7. Prevent issues from impacting your business with immediate support via a live help desk and timely system alerts so we can immediately notify you of red flags.

Managed Network

Simplify and automate your network with managed services promoting availability and optimizing cost. Secure and manage your entire network environment with Fruth’s custom remote monitoring tools.

Workstation support

Unburden your IT group while our team of in-house IT experts manage computers, updates, warranties, and monitor the heath of your IT infrastructure via proactive remote support

Data Backup & Recovery

Instantly recover data if disruption occurs, ensuring all your data and apps are backed up with Caltech Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Plan (DRBCP)

Server Care

Keep Servers online, preventing productivity losses for you and your users. With Caltech Server Care, you can rely on proactive support, maintenance and 24/365 server monitoring